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From this page you can download the lectures given during Cryocourse 2011 (click on the course title).
The courses are listed below in the order of the Programme ; look at the Programme page first in order to find the course you are interested in !
Cryocourse-Welcome and presentation (H. Godfrin)
Thermodynamics (H. Godfrin)
Properties of Cryogenic Fluids (H. Godfrin)
Liquefaction, storage and transfer of Cryofluids (C. Gianèse)
Safety and good practice in handling Cryofluids (C. Gianèse)
Vacuum and low temperatures (C. Enss)
Heat transfer, Thermal isolation and thermal contact (C. Enss)
Heat transfer : convection picture (C. Enss)
Statistical Physics (H. Godfrin)
Cryostat design ; 4He and 3He cryostats (G. Donnier-Valentin)
Properties of solids (thermal expansion, magnetostriction) (M. Amara)
Thermometry 1 (T>1K) (F. Lévy)
Electronics and low temperatures (J.-L. Mocellin)
Thermometry 2 (T<1K -magnetic, noise…) (C. Enss)
Disordered solids at low temperatures (C. Enss)
Properties of solids (heat capacity) 1a (C. Marcenat)
Properties of solids (heat capacity) 1b (C. Marcenat)
Properties of solids (heat capacity) 2a (C. Marcenat)
Properties of solids (heat capacity) 2b (C. Marcenat)
Properties of solids (thermal conductivity) (J.-P. Brison)
Superconductivity (J.-P. Brison)
Phonons in micro and nanostructures : principles (O. Bourgeois)
Phonons in micro and nanostructures : methods (O. Bourgeois)
Properties of Solids (resistivity) (M. Nuñez Regueiro)
High pressures at low temperatures (M. Nuñez Regueiro)
Micro and nano-mechanical resonators (E. Collin)
Near-field LT microscopy (C. Winkelmann)
SQUIDS and SQUID-microscopy (K. Hasselbach)
Micro and nano-cooling (H. Courtois)
Vortices and LT microscopy (J.G. Rodrigo)
Quantum Fluids and Solids (H. Godfrin)
Superconducting Magnets - theory and design (G. Donnier-Valentin)
Low temperature astrophysical detectors (Ph. Camus)
Cryogenic space applications (G. Vermeulen)
Thermodynamics II (A. de Waele)
Dilution refrigerator Thermodynamics (A. de Waele)
Dilution refrigerators - design and operation (H. Godfrin)
Cryocoolers (A. de Waele)
Thermometry 3 (MCT) (H. Godfrin)
Thermometry 3 (NMR, VWR) (H. Godfrin)
Ultralow temperatures (H. Godfrin)
Micro/nanofabrication techniques (Th. Fournier)
Superconducting Engineering (P. Tixador)
Missing lectures will be uploaded soon.