
Université Joseph FourierL
IINP Grenoble
Institut Neel


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Accueil du site > Important dates > Important dates and deadlines :

Important dates and deadlines :

par webmaster - 6 juin 2011


 Arrival and departure dates for Cryocourse2011 :

Arrival in Grenoble : Sunday, September 18th., 2011 before 16:00.
Departure from Grenoble : Tuesday September 27 th., 2011 after 14:00

Candidates should register as soon as possible, and if possible not later than July 4th., 2011.

Important (July, 5th) : due to the very large number of applications received before July 4th, new applications have relatively small chances to be accepted.

Registration will be definitely closed on July 25 th.

The selection procedure will take place in the first week of July. The decision of the selection committee will be made before July 25th. and immediately communicated to the candidates.