Accueil du site > General Information > Welcome to the Cryocourse2011 site
- 6 juin 2011
CRYOCOURSE is the European intensive course on advanced Cryophysics and Cryogenics, the science and technology of Low Temperatures. Since 2002, 8 events (Courses and Conferences) have been held, gathering about 400 young researchers from the European Union, but also from non-EU countries.
From September 18 th. (afternoon) to September 27 th. (afternoon), 2011 about 35 students, mainly PhD and Post-docs from European universities, Research centres and Industry, will gather in the Grenoble area (south-east of France).
The theoretical and practical (“hands-on”) courses will cover the main topics of Cryogenics, from the fundamental physics concepts to the industrial applications.
Courses are given in English. Group discussions in several European languages are encouraged, when possible.
The participants’ selection procedure will take into account the quality of the candidate’s application and his/her need for a specific training in Cryogenics, as well as more general criteria as gender, age and nationality balance.
Students may be eligible for total or partial financial support. The participants MUST be present for the whole duration of the course.
More detailed information in specific web pages of this site and in the CRYOCOURSE site.